Someday I’m going to do this

Jake the Dog Quotes

Every few years I get a itch to start a blog. And every few years I do. And every few years it lasts for about the lifespan of a common housefly – which is actually two to four week and not 24-hours, as is commonly believed.

The problem is never motivation. The problem is confidence.

Jake the Dog Quotes

Even if what I say adds to some conversation, why would anyone listen?

Over the past year, however, I’ve started listening to a lot of marketing and media podcasts. And they all have the same advice when it comes to writing/blogging – the only way to build and audience and get better is to start writing.

I’ve been warned, via these podcasts, that these first posts are going to suck. That five people – if I’m lucky – will read them. The audience isn’t what matters right now. What matters is that I’m writing to find my voice, to understand what it takes to build a digital community from zero, that I’m building a habit, and that I’m being who I am.

That means I’ll post about the things that drive me: media, video game, sports, mental health, and maybe some religion and politics – maybe.

My plan is to post at least one article a week, hopefully on Saturday or Sunday. Later, as I find my voice and get into a groove, I hope to supplement with links during the week.

Wish me luck.

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