Christmas Drawing – 2019 Edition
Last year I did a series of drawings as gifts for family members, which I rather enjoyed doing. To be honest, I don’t draw enough, but when I do I feel energized. Doing it as a gift makes it even more rewarding. While I was working on the drawings last Christmas, I was already thinking […]
January 14 – One last entry into the Christmas portraits
If you’ve been following along you know I’ve been working on multiple portraits that I gave as Christmas presents this year. And you also know that late in the game I decided to add two additional portraits into the mix. The downside of my sudden additions was that I did not have a subject for […]
Finding a memory
It’s been a few months since I posted about my professional pursuits. This weekend I wanted to get on track and say something less personal and more meaningful to a wider audience. I started this weekend wanting to say something about how Google and Facebook are screwing over local media organizations. Then my wife and I […]
Make a resolution – just not one for the new year
Although I do understand the purpose, I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. It’s not that I don’t think we should improve ourselves and the world around us. It’s quite the opposite actually. I firmly believe in creating goals. I keep a list of daily, weekly, monthly, one year, three year, five year […]
December 25 – A late Entry to the Christmas Gallery
On the afternoon for December 23 I was cleaning out old photos on my computer when I can across an old picture I used of my wife and I on our wedding invitation. Spoiler: It’s adorable. Anyway, it made me realize I did drawings of my in-laws grandchildren, but left out there children. So I […]